UPAC Empowers Diverse Communities of San Diego
for a Healthier Tomorrow
The mission of the Union of Pan Asian Communities (UPAC) is to strengthen and empower the diverse, underserved and vulnerable communities of San Diego. We provide person centered, holistic services prioritizing culture and ethnic identity to enhance the overall health, well-being and self-sufficiency of those served.
We are a multicultural Behavioral Health Organization in San Diego. Our team speaks more than 30 languages and dialects while serving the marginalized and underserved communities of San Diego County.

Years of Service
Unique Clients Served Annually
Languages and Dialects used in services
Different cultures represented
We offer a guiding hand to those facing life’s obstacles and empower them to embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing. We aim to inspire and uplift our clients as they uncover newfound strengths and potentials they never knew existed because everyone deserves the opportunity to thrive.
Here’s How We Strengthen and Empower the Diverse, Underserved, and Vulnerable Communities of San Diego
Our programs provide person-centered and holistic services, prioritizing culture and ethnic identity to enhance the overall health, well-being, and self-sufficiency of those served.
Client Stories

We Change Lives & Communities Through Social Enterprise Programs
The neighborhood Enterprise Center (NEC) and Timmy’s Place Pizzeria and Print are social enterprise programs—revenue generating businesses with a social mission.
When you eat and shop at NEC and Timmy’s Place, you receive quality food and merchandise while helping improve the lives of San Diego youth. All revenue generated from each social enterprise goes into the on-going operation of the program, providing jobs and opportunities for at-risk youth.
Career Opportunities at UPAC
Join us in our mission to serve more than 34,000 adults and children each year at one of our 20 programs throughout San Diego County and make a difference in our community.

Make A Life-Changing Donation
When individuals have the opportunity to improve their lives, everyone benefits. Help make a positive difference with your donation and belief in our vision to strengthen and empower the diverse, under-served, and vulnerable communities of San Diego.